Sunday, February 17, 2013

My accomplishments

Hi it's Renee here, just posting this morning to shout out how proud I am of myself!!!  Yep yesterday I stuck to my goal of CLEANING and organizing!  What a difference ----- my studio is almost to nice to mess up!  I also started working on quilting my red and pink baby quilt.  So far it's coming out looking really sweet,which is the intention for a baby quilt.  I'm actually quilting it with machine decorative stitching.  Yep, you read correctly, it's something a lot of quilter's don't do, But I'm game for experimenting,and I'm loving the results.  Why limit yourself  to using free motion quilting,(which definitely has a learning curve)---great stitches are built into many of today's machines----use them, and explore the fun possibilities----just a thought
Bye for now,and as always,
Happy stitchin'

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